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End Marriage Discrimination (Video)

We saw something that really touched us this morning from down under and we wanted to share it.  Don't worry, it didn't come from that down under. It came from Australia. And we love it so much we had to share it.

Here's a video from the Australian organization GetUp in their support of gay marriage (marriage equality) in Australia. We believe in love and we support equal marriage. That's why we're putting up this touching, beautiful video.

Have you taken our GetLusty survey yet? Take 5 minutes now to help end boring sex. Also, don't forget to 'Like' us on Facebook and/or follow us on Twitter @getlusty! We're giving away a Sqweel 2, the world's best oral sex toy by October 15th.

This is post by Erica Grigg, our Founder and Chief Lust Officer. She's a writer, marketer, social entrepreneur and sex geek. She founded GetLusty to end boring sex. 

If you don't see Erica riding around downtown, Chicago in her beach cruiser or at a diner with her adoring husband. You'll also find her chatting up the tech community about the importance of sex and love in marriage. Follow Erica on Twitter @ericagrigg or subscribe via FacebookGoogle+ and LinkedIn.

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