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Podcast! Bonnie Gayle on Feeling Beautiful Naked

Chief Body Liberator and co-creator of Sex Butter, Bonnie Gayle is no stranger to self-esteem and body issues. After years of dealing with these problems first-hand, Bonnie found many women hate their bodies and portray them in a negative light.

Today, she uses her experiences to teach others that not only does learning to love yourself improve your confidence, but it improves your intimate relationships. We sat down with Bonnie to chat about how changing your body image isn't just about changing yourself physically, but mentally as well, and we've recorded it for your listening pleasure.

What we talked about:
  • How does having a negative body image affect your intimate relationships? If you don't feel comfortable being naked by yourself, you probably will not feel comfortable being naked with a partner, Bonnie says.
  • What does Bonnie suggest to help overcome body image issues? Start infusing positive messages into your daily routine with Post-It notes around the house to remind you that you are beautiful!
  • Look at one part of your body in the mirror and say, "I love you and I accept you," Bonnie recommends to give yourself an extra dose of self-love throughout the day.
  • Use Sex Butter by rubbing it on specific body parts and tell yourself positive things about that body part; this makes it easier to start accepting yourself for who you are today, and positive change will follow.
  • How does positive body image affect your sexuality? When you feel confident and comfortable in your body you can connect better with your partner physically and emotionally; no matter what body part you think needs improvement, your partner loves you for who you are!
More about Bonnie:

Bonnie Gayle, Body Liberator, is a “body whisperer and sexual empowerment coach for women”.   Bonnie speaks publicly and facilitates the teaching of overcoming body image and self esteem issues to women so they can fully embrace sexual pleasure.  After co-creating Sex Butter, Yes Butter, and The Butter, products made from organic plant based oils which have been enhancing and healing women and couples, her true mission came alive: “Body Liberation”!

Bonnie’s know-how on sensitive subjects like negative body image, self loathing, and painful sexual issues stems from her own personal journey - a past filled with traumatic sexual experiences that led to an eating disorder and hating everything about herself.  Bonnie coped in all sorts of unhealthy ways, including withdrawal, binging & purging, emotional eating, promiscuity and self-deprecation.  After overcoming her eating disorder and negative body image & self worth issues and empowering herself, Bonnie has successfully assisted, mentored, and taught thousands of women the importance of loving the body you are in, treating it kindly, and stepping into embracing true sexual pleasure.

Bonnie is a member of several prominent women’s groups including: Women’s Speakers Assn., Top Female Executives, Cambridge Who’s Who, & NAPW and Over 40 Females. Read more about Bonnie at, or connect with her through Facebook and Twitter @SexButterBabe.

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